How to cultivate green caviar seaweeds


How to cultivate Green Caviar Seaweeds

Before we get into how to cultivate green caviar seaweeds, we need to understand the following important principles of the green caviar seaweeds’ growth cycle. Green caviar seaweeds grow naturally, usually around 5-6m below sea level, around rock formations or near the shore. However, in order to grow them artificially in a farm environment, we must follow the following facts:

1.Green caviar seaweeds are a type of saltwater green algae that thrives at a salinity level of at least 30 ppt (around 3% salt content) but not above 38 ppt, as it makes the algae produce red hues and die quicker. The average salinity of the ocean is 35 ppt around the world.

2.Green caviar seaweeds need appropriate light to grow. This includes how the pond is built, the location, the depth and other factors that contribute to the light. Green caviar seaweeds cannot be directly exposed to light, especially sunlight – only two hours of direct exposure can cause them to die.

3.The water current affects how the green caviar seaweeds absorb nutrients – if there is no current, the green caviar seaweeds will have no way of receiving a constant supply of nutrients that they need to survive. Unlike fish which can move around to feed, green caviar seaweeds are stationary. A lack of nutrients will stunt their growth.

4.In nature, naturally occurring minerals in the sea are enough for the green caviar seaweeds’ needs. In areas with limited space this can be an issue, as the ventilation of seawater is not optimal. This leads many farmers to use chemicals to artificially stimulate growth (we avoid using fertilizers at all costs). 

    The main components of green caviar seaweeds growth are nitrogen and phosphorus (3-5%).  Green caviar seaweeds cannot grow year-round, and will only grow successfully in the months of January to May, with many complications arising after that period due to the changing weather conditions. Thailand enters its rainy season during this time, and our farm has seen rain occur up to 3-4 days consecutively, damaging the water condition in the ponds. We must wait up to 1-2 months in order for the conditions to return to optimal levels before we can continue cultivation.

There are three general methods used in green caviar cultivation

Pond cultivation, relying on using naturally occurring nutrients in the soil and water
Hanging net cultivation
Small concrete pond cultivation in a controlled environment